1st look…

andscatterthechaos: this is my first ever 1st person POV story and its inspired and plotted heavily from my dream. it does contain real people that i know in real life, and names are changed of course. it also contains a famous guest star who i do not know unfortunately, and how they fit into the…

this article made me so happy  i have so much love for the prequels, despite all their sucky moments of bad writing, terrible cgi and of course he who must not be named. so much that i’ve got 11 posts coming up, some obidala flavored, in honor of the new movie. 

ronamov: SO MUCH BUCKY LMAO TAKE A HIKE TOnY  #‘HE’S MY FRIEND’ ‘SO WAS I’ AHAHAH SUCK IT LOSER #WHOOOOOOOO #WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE   via @ronamov like when was tony ever steve’s friend? for like five seconds at the end of Avengers? after acting like a  child and being all ‘you’re nothing like my…